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Research Project Description

Labs & Homework

Lab & Homework 1: Reconnaisance

Lab & Homework 2: Scanning

Lab & Homework 3: Firewall

Lab & Homework 4: DDoS & Snort

Lab & Homework 5: Metasploit

Lab & Homework 6: SQL Injection, Web Exploit

Lab & Homework 7: Stack Exploit

Reading Reports

Your reading reports should be posted as an individual blog or a google document. You will need to share the link with me. The report should be posted every week and it will have at minimum 300 words. What you should include:

  • An brief summary of the reading in your own words.
  • At least one question that you may have related to the reading. These are going to help you to actively participate and can be used during class.
  • Any improvements, research ideas that you may have related to the reading. This third part is optional.