- Introduction to Shodan -


  1. Read the following blog about shodan here.
  2. Understand ports, services, and IoT.


  1. Find all the machines that listen to port 80.
    • What type of machines are these?
    • Should port 80 be open?
    • Paste the search string in your report.
  2. Find all the Apache servers located in your city. Browse some of these sites. Are there any businesses that you know?
    • Click on one of the results details. Read the header and describe what information it gives. Try to explain in your own words this information. Look up any words that you may not understand.
    • Think as a hacker: find information in the header that could be taken advantage of. For example, what version of software, what encryption algorithm is used etc.?
    • Paste the search string in your report.
  3. Look for an Amazon Echo.
    • Click on one of the links. What kind of site is this and how can a malicious actor use it?
    • THow should the owners if this site and devices protect themselves?
    • Paste the search string in your report.
  4. Search for electric grid equipment in your city.
    • Hint1: you may search for wind, solar, or other devices that produce energy.
    • Hint2: look for PLC and SCADA. Understand what these devices are and how you can search and connect to them.
    • Why is it bad for electric grid equipment to be searchable?
    • Paste the search string in your report.
  5. Search for game servers of your favorite video game.
    • Paste the search string in your report.